How Linkedin Algorithm works in 2023

How Linkedin Algorithm works in 2023

Once upon a time, in the vast kingdom of the Internet, there existed a magical realm called LinkedIn. It was a place where professionals from all corners of the world gathered to share their knowledge and forge connections. But what made this realm truly enchanting was its hidden power – the LinkedIn algorithm. Join us on a journey to discover the secrets of this mystical force and how it shapes the destiny of posts in the land of LinkedIn.

Chapter 1: The Birth of the LinkedIn Algorithm

In the year 2002, a group of brilliant minds conjured up LinkedIn, envisioning a digital paradise for professionals. But to ensure that each member received the most relevant content, they gave life to the LinkedIn algorithm. This digital sorcerer was tasked with sorting posts into three categories: spam, low-quality, and high-quality.

Chapter 2: The Spam Witch Hunt

LinkedIn’s algorithm had a watchful eye for spammers. Those who dared to use bad grammar or flood their posts with numerous links were swiftly marked as spam. It even sniffed out suspicious hashtags like #comment, #like, or #follow. As the wise folks say, “Less is more,” and this applied to tagging people too. More than five tags in a post and you risked the algorithm’s wrath.

Chapter 3: The Quest for High Quality

For those who wished to ascend, crafting high-quality posts was the way. The algorithm demanded readability, questions to spark engagement, minimal hashtags (three or fewer), strong keywords, and tagging only those likely to respond. It even had a preference for outbound links to be saved for the comment section. Crafty, right?

Chapter 4: The Hour of Testing

Upon posting, the algorithm cast a brief spell. If your content attracted likes, comments, and shares in the first hour, it meant fortune favored you. The more engagement, the broader your reach. But if your post languished in silence, or worse, received flags, the algorithm locked it away in LinkedIn purgatory.

Chapter 5: The Expansion

The algorithm wasn’t just content with small circles. If your post passed the initial test, it embarked on a grand journey, introducing your content to a broader audience. The algorithm considered three ranking signals: closeness of connections, relevance to interests, and the likelihood of engagement.

Chapter 6: 11 Scrolls of Wisdom

The path to mastering the LinkedIn algorithm was paved with 11 scrolls of wisdom:

  1. Be Relevant: Know your audience, research their interests, and create content they care about.
  2. Schedule Wisely: Post when your followers are awake and active. Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. were sacred hours.
  3. Promote Your Posts: Tag relevant companies, use keywords, and embrace relevant hashtags. Branded hashtags were your secret weapons.
  4. Avoid Outbound Links: Keep your audience within LinkedIn. Share links in the comments.
  5. Encourage Engagement: Pose questions and inspire conversations. Engage with your audience.
  6. Craft Original Content: Be unique, add your commentary, and provoke discussions.
  7. Build Your Network: Connections and relevance were the keys to success. Grow your network wisely.
  8. Try New Formats: Embrace new LinkedIn features; the algorithm favored them.
  9. Optimize with Analytics: Analyze your best-performing posts and replicate the magic.
  10. Post LinkedIn-Appropriate Content: Stay professional and focus on business-related topics.
  11. Don’t Beg for Engagement: Genuine engagement was the key; avoid spammy tactics.

Chapter 7: The Heart of LinkedIn

LinkedIn was more than just a corporate entity; it had a heart. It thrived on authentic, human interactions. Users could be professional and approachable while avoiding excessive corporate jargon. Laughter, humanity, and authenticity were all welcome guests.

Chapter 8: The Final Revelation

And so, dear readers, you’ve unraveled the secrets of the LinkedIn algorithm, the mystical force that governs the land of LinkedIn. Armed with this knowledge, you too can become a LinkedIn sorcerer, creating posts that captivate and connect. Now, go forth and conquer LinkedIn with your newfound wisdom, and remember, it’s not just networking; it’s a magical party where your resume is your ticket!

In conclusion, the LinkedIn algorithm, like any magic, had its rules. Understanding and following them allowed one to wield its power and share their wisdom with the world. Now, armed with this knowledge, you too can embark on your own LinkedIn adventure and become a master of the professional realm. So, go forth, and let your LinkedIn magic shine!

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